Friday, December 16, 2022 | 4:00 PM
TO: 2023 AMA Amateur National Motocross Championship Participants
FROM: MX Sports
DATE: December 16, 2022
Birch Creek & High Point Date Change, Northwest Area Qualifier Addition and TBD Venue Announced
The Northeast Area Qualifier at Birch Creek Motorsports Park has been changed from its original date of May 6-7 to now be held on March 11-12.
The Northeast Area Qualifier at High Point Raceway has been changed from its original date of May 27-28 to now be held on April 22-23.
In the Northwest, Skyline MX Park has been added to the Area Qualifier lineup for the weekend of April 29-30.
The Mid-East Area Qualifier that was announced as a TBD event on March 18-19 will head to Fast Farms MX Park in Altamont, Tennessee that weekend.
Northeast Area Qualifier
• March 11-12: Birch Creek Motorsports Park - Sutherlin, Virginia
• April 22-23: High Point Raceway – Mt. Morris, Pennsylvania
Northwest Area Qualifier
• April 29-30: Skyline MX Park – Kuna, Idaho
Mid-East Area Qualifier
• March 18-19: Fast Farms MX Park – Altamont, Tennessee
Please keep an eye on for possible revisions to upcoming Area Qualifiers. For the most up-to-date schedule of the 2023 Area Qualifiers, please visit the 2023 schedule page.