The 2022 Monster Energy AMA Amateur National Motocross Championship will take place August 1 - 6 at the Loretta Lynn's Ranch in Hurricane Mills, Tenn.
Yes, you must be an AMA member for all events
For more information on the two-step qualifying procedures visit our How To Qualify page.
For all Youth classes and Amateur classes 5, 10, 11 and 12, the age of the rider on January 1, 2022, will determine their age for the remainder of the year. A rider may move to the next higher age class in the Youth Division only if they will be eligible to do so at any time during the calendar year.
Maybe, but we need more information. Be sure to read the AMA Rulebook and Amateur National Supplemental Rules, regarding "C" class eligibility. Riders in violation will not be permitted to ride the "C" class. After reading the rules, if you are still not sure about your eligibility, you can contact the AMA directly for more information and assistance on your eligibility at (800) 262-5646.
Yes. But remember you can ride only 2 classes at the National.
Yes. A Big Wheel with an engine size of 99cc to 250cc is allowed.
Yes, the 250cc class (A, B, C) allow machines from 122cc - 250 cc regardless of 2-Stroke or 4-Stroke
Yes, the 450cc classes (A, B, C) allow machines from 122cc - Open.
Yes, start blocks are permitted and will be provided by MX Sports. You may not use your own start block.
No! AMA rules state that you must race the stock bore. No work is allowed on stock cylinders, with the exception of cylinder re-plating.
No. The oil injection system is for oil only. It must be in working condition and contain ONLY oil.
Limited class information is available to discuss what is legal and illegal in the limited class. If this does not answer your question, please contact us with your question.
You may retrofit on all class 20 machines. OEM parts must be used. Make sure you do not modify the hubs.
Yes. Standard 85's (including standard 85cc size wheels) are legal in the Super Mini classes.
Yes you can. We will try very hard to accommodate your request. Top ten numbers can only be used if you earned that number in th same class the previous year.
At the Area Qualifier and Regional Championships riders may use their regular numbers and the background plate color that you would normally use at your local track.
Riders making the final roster for the National Championship may request a National number for which we will make our best effort to accommodate. The plate and number color scheme for the national is listed in the Supplemental Rules.
No. Cosmetic items on a motorcycle are not protestable items.
If you are an Alternate for the National and not guaranteed in any other class, we recommend coming to the National with no numbers and the proper background color scheme for th class in which you are an alternate. This will allow us to assign any number bib that we have available. Numbers will be available for purchase at the event.
Check out our full schedule to located events near you.
That depends on the classes for which you are trying to qualify. Check out our national class chart to see what classes are running on each day at the Area Qualifiers.
Next to each event on the schedule page there is a website and phone number listed for additional information about that event. If you have a problem contacting the promoter, please contact us so we can further help you.
Check out the full schedule to locate events near you.
Yes. Depending on the number of riders attempting to qualify and the three moto format at the Regional Championships, there may be qualifiers to create one full gate for the final two motos. All three motos count toward an overall finishing position.
Each event has it's own general information tab. If the information is not found on that tab, the promoter's website and phone number will also be listed. If you have a problem contacting the promoter, please contact us so we can further help you.
No. Each rider maintains his/her original finishing position for advancement purposes.
No. The disqualified rider is still shown as a competitor in that class. However, all riders who finished below the disqualified rider will move up one (1) position.
See our Refund Policy.
Just go online and check your online registration status.
Call MX Sports ASAP and we ill make sure to get you qualified in the right region.
No. You must first have a finishing position in at least one moto with an overall finishing position in order to be eligible to race in the Regional.
The race order/schedule will be posted approximately 2-3 weeks prior to the start of the National Championship
Each rider who registers for the National Championship must purchase what is called a "Facility Permit." This Facility Permit is paymet for your racing "footprint" at Loretta Lynn's Ranch for the entire week. The Facility Permit also includes non-hookup camping and gate admission into the event for all individuals in the vehicle being used. The Facility Permit is in addition to the National Race Entry Fee.
Yes. The Facility Permit is considered your racing "footprint" (i.e. pit set-up and admission) for the entire week.
Unfortunately, hook-ups, electricity and some sewage availability is limited. To be considered for a hook-up at the National, a rider must indicate on their National entry form that they would like to enter what is called the "Hook-Up Lottery." Hook-ups are assigned by a computer generated lottery system and will be posted in mid-July. All available hook-up camping sites are assigned to riders and their families with only one hook-up available per family. An additional fee will be collected at the Front Gate for hook-up winners. Anyone using a Facility Permit sticker other than the one authorized by MX Sports will be removed from the Ranch. Spectators are not eligible for a hook-up.
Unfortunately, due to the magnitude of the claims for handicap parking we cannot accomodate handicap requests for a hook-up. However, we will make our best effort to provide you with a location suitable to accommodate your mobility needs.
No. Hook-ups are non-transferable.
- PET POLICY: We are going to try something new this year and allow SMALL, FRIENDLY pets. This is a long, hot week, and many animals are not suited to these conditions. We will leave it to the pet's human to decide if it's a good idea to bring them nor not. Regardless, if you do bring a pet, you will be required to pick up its business and keep the pet in your camping area. No pets near the racetrack, in Town Center, Lucas Oil Arena or Sponsor Village. Pets must remain on a leash at all times. Pets that bark or bite or otherwise are cause for concern will be required to leave the event with their humans. MX Sports has sole discretion on whether your pet can stay.
- Local Kennels are available near by:
- Exquisite Pets
107 N Church St, Waverly, TN 37185
(931) 296-7556 - Shenandoah Samoyed Kennel
200 Brown Town Rd, Waverly, TN 37185
(931) 296-3494 - Woof!
124 S Main St
Dickson, TN 37055
(615) 740-1222
All 51cc, Girls, Senior 45+/Masters 50+, and "C" classes will run 15-minute motos. All other classes will run 20-minute motos.
In addition to the MX Sports Area Qualifier registration fee, each Area Qualifier track will charge a race entry fee and gate admission fee. Same for the Regional Championships - you will register with MX Sports online and pay a fee to participate in the national program, and then pay a race entry and gate admission fee at the regional track.
Once you qualify for the National, you will register online for your race entry and Facility Permit, which includes your gate admission and camping for the week.
Yes, your Facility Permit covers your facility entry for the week - whether or not you are camping at the ranch. However, immediate family members of the same household do not have to purchase multiple Facility Permits. This means participating siblings and/or parents that live in the same household and who are staying together during the national week do not have to purchase more than one Facility Permit.
This does not apply to extended family members, i.e., cousins, step-children who do not live together, or friends camping together.
Spectators are not eligible for a campking hook-up spot. Only qualified racers are eligible for hook-ups.
You may keep the pass at the front gate in your envelope and when the extra car comes they will pick it up. This is the best option considering there is minimal cell phone service at the ranch.